1. General technical optimization to improve overall ranking in search engines.
2. Detailed study of the site to improve its visibility in search engines for the main high-frequency queries.
3. Expanding the sphere of influence by extending the structure of the site.
1. Technical improvements to the site: an update of the robots.txt file, fixing dead links, changing of internal links, development of the navigation chain “breadcrumbs”, forming headings on brand pages and opening them for indexing, implementation of the micro markup.
2. After fixing the critical technical issues, we began a detailed elaboration and expansion of the main sections of the site. Elaboration consists of the following steps: Collection of semantics. Request clustering. Creation of new pages. Preparation of articles.
3. To work with the requests we have allocated the following segments in order of importance: all categories of the catalog in order of priority for the client; priority requests for the client; 1000 most frequent queries, 50 most frequent prompts. Starting with the first segment, monthly optimization works were carried out: updating of queries; breakdown of queries by site pages; text optimization and correction: titles, names of goods, anchors of links, change of texts; correction of re-linking: change of parent categories, addition/removal of text links; creation of new pages.